What if there was no APTA? Click here to find out more about what the APTA does!
QA Bulletin Q2 Advocacy.pdf
77% of Physical therapists have experienced burn out in their careers. A large majority of the therapists reported paperwork as the largest source of stress. (Elgelid, 2020)
Q1 2022 Burnout.docx
Get to know our Leadership roles starting first with our President!
Click on the link below for more information!
QA Bulletin Q4 2021.pdf
On March 31st, 2021, Governor Doug Burgum signed into law that physical therapists in the state of North Dakota can order radiographs. This law became effective August 1, 2021. To be able to order x-rays, North Dakota therapists need to have taken continuing competence activities to qualify. Information on these courses can be found at the NDBPT.org website under board minutes (August 10 and June 30).
QA Bulletin Q3 2021.docx
This quarter bulletin is all about our Centennial Scholar and Leadership Roles.
QA Bulletin Q2 2021.docx
Here is a review of the committees with the APTA of ND.
Reimbursement in Review.docx
APTA 100 years. History in the making. Read about the history of the APTA here!
QA Bulletin Q1 2021 (1).docx
What is motivational interviewing?
Techniques that assist patients in recognizing discrepancies between their current behavior and core values. Physical Therapists can provide support for self-efficacy, and reinforce an individual's belief that he or she is capable of initiating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.1
Q4 2020 Motivational Interviewing.docx
Regular physical activity is one of the most important things that you can do for your health. The good news is that you don’t have to spend hours at the gym or purchase expensive equipment to meet the recommended physical activity guidelines!
Falls Prevention Q3 2020.pdf
Healthy Lifestyle
QA Bulletin Healthy Lifestyle Q2 2020.pdf
Tips and tricks for sleep, nutrition, and other lifestyle habits. Thanks for tuning in!
(c) American Physical Therapy Association NORTH DAKOTA (APTAND)
1301 North Columbia Rd, Stop Box 9037 | Grand Forks, North Dakota 58202
(701) 777-3873 | Contact Us at info (@) aptand (dot) com